
Science-Based Habits for Modern Leadership

In this course, Caroline describes the practical science-based habits that allow you to lead with more wisdom, empathy, inspiration and resilience, making you the kind of boss that everyone will want to work for. Requires LinkedIn Learning login.


How to Have a Great Day At Work with Caroline Webb

Learn practical, evidence-based techniques to help you take more control of the quality of your daily working life, regardless of the ups and downs. Requires LinkedIn Learning login.

How To Have A Good Day In Uncertain Times

Science-backed advice on how to thrive in the face of upheaval. A series of 6 videos with supporting materials included. Free to access on this website with sign up. 

Join Caroline as she dives deeper into themes in her courses, interviewing world-class experts and professionals profiled in her book, How To Have A Good Day. Free to access on LinkedIn.

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