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International Editions

Published: January 2023

از نظر مردم روز خوب روزی است که سرشار از انرژی باشد و ما از انجام کارهای خود احساس رضایت و شادی نماییم‌. اما کارولین وب نویسنده کتاب حاضر به ما نشان می دهد که چگونه با به کار بردن علوم رفتاری یک روز کاری خوب داشته باشیم. مهمترین نکته ای که او بر اساس پژوهش های علمی فراوان به آن اشاره دارد دو سیستمی بودن مغز انسان است. اول سیستم ارادی و اختیاری دوم سیستم غیر ارادی و خودکار. سیستم ارادی که ظرفیت محدودی داشته و زود خسته می شود مسئول اعمال پیچیده مثل تعقل و کارهای خودکنترلی است. اما سیستم خودکار سعی دارد با استفاده ی کمتر از انرژی بدن کارها را بر طبق تجربیات قبلی و با کمترین میزان بار تفکر به انجام برساند. ما زمانی می توانیم بیشترین استفاده از هوش و استعداد خود ببریم که محدودیت های هر دو سیستم را مشخص کنیم و تشخیص دهیم که چه زمانی از هر کدام استفاده کنیم.
کارولین وب مشاور مجرب مدیریت، قبل از تاسیس شرکت خود به نام sevenshift به مدت ۱۲ سال برای مک کینزی کار می کرد.او اکنون در شرکت خود به مشتریان کمک می کند بهره وری، انرژی و اشتیاق خود را افزایش دهند‌

Published: August 2019

Grâce à une méthode simple et imparable, inspirée à la fois des dernières recherches en sciences cognitives et comportementales et de sa propre expérience de coach en entreprise, Caroline Webb nous apprend comment booster notre bonne humeur et notre énergie tout au long de la journée afin de mieux gérer nos priorités, d’aborder plus sereinement nos tâches quotidiennes et de favoriser des rapports harmonieux avec nos collègues. Sans oublier, bien sûr, tout un tas d’astuces pour en finir avec les avalanches de mails, les réunions interminables et les conflits inutiles.
Un ouvrage efficace et salutaire pour tirer le meilleur de soi-même et être, enfin, heureux au bureau!

Published: August 2018

l 麦肯锡工作12年,全球1%的女性合伙人,伦敦分公司董事亲笔著就l 汤姆·彼得斯、亚当·格兰特等国内外近20位行业人士推荐l 《福布斯》杂志当年商业书籍之一;《财富》杂志自我提升书籍之一;《Inc.》杂志过去5年内15本领导和自我提升书籍之一l 翻译为13种语言,行销60余个国家 l 麦肯锡内部人士推行的7个行为习惯,数百篇学术论文验证,一书全部掌握

Published: November 2017

Caroline Webb hosszú évek tapasztalatait, valamint a közgazdaságtan, a pszichológia és a viselkedéstudományok eredményeit sűrítette össze ebben a kötetben, hogy megossza az olvasókkal, miként tudunk mentálisan és érzelmileg is kiteljesedni, fejlődni a munkánkban. Egy átlagos napunkat lefedve a könyv megmutatja, hogy néhány kulcsfontosságú változtatás a viselkedésünkben miként vezethet lenyűgöző eredményekhez. Tudományos alapokra épülő tanácsaival maximálhatjuk a teljesítményünket, és több energiánk lesz, mint valaha.

Megtanuljuk, hogy…

  • miként osszuk be hatékonyan az időnket, és hogyan állítsunk fel fontossági sorrendet;
  •  hogyan hozzuk ki a legtöbbet az emberi interakciókból és tegyünk jó benyomást másokra;
  •  hogyan hozzunk kreatív és bölcs döntéseket;
  •  miként viszonyuljunk nagyobb rugalmassággal a nehézségekhez;
  •  miként találhatunk több örömet a munkában, és hogyan tehetünk szert több sikerélményre.

A Minden nap a te napodat a Forbes 2016-ban a legfontosabb üzleti könyvek közé sorolta, többek között a Financial Times és a Time magazin is elismerő kritikát közölt róla. Tizenhét nyelven, több mint hatvan országban jelent meg.

Published: September 2017

Emploi du temps surchargé, stress, crainte de ne pas être reconnu à sa juste valeur ou au contraire de ne pas être à la hauteur… Pour nombre d’entre nous, la vie en entreprise s’apparente bien souvent à un parcours du combattant.

Et pourtant, passer une bonne journée au bureau, c’est possible! Grace à une méthode simple et imparable, inspirée à la fois des dernières recherches en sciences cognitives et comportementales et de sa propre expérience de coach en entreprise, Caroline Webb nous apprend comment booster notre bonne humeur et notre énergie tout au long de la journée afin de mieux gérer nos priorités, d’aborder plus sereinement nos tâches quotidiennes et de favoriser des rapports harmonieux avec nos collègues. Sans oublier, bien sûr, tout un tas d’astuces pour en finir avec les avalanches de mails, les réunions interminables et les conflits inutiles.

Un ouvrage efficace, bourré d’optimisme et ô combien salutaire, pour tirer le meilleur de soi-même et être, enfin, heureux au bureau!

Published: 2017

Книжка «Живи на всі сто» видана 16 мовами в понад 60 країнах. Входить до списку обов’язкових для читання ділових видань 2016 року за версіями Inc. і Forbes та п’ятірки найпізнавальніших бізнес-книжок за версією Fortune.

Published: March 2017

Caroline Webb, economista e antiga partner da consultora McKinsey, mostra aos leitores as mais recentes descobertas no campo da economia comportamental, da psicologia e da neurociência que poderão alterar a sua vida. Mais do que um livro, este é um guia que lhe apresenta estratégias para obter a energia necessária de forma a conseguir mais sucesso na sua vida profissional e pessoal, facultando as ferramentas imprescindíveis para que o seu dia a dia seja mais feliz.

Published: January 2017

In How to Have a Good Day, economist and former McKinsey partner Caroline Webb shows readers how to use recent findings from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience to transform our approach to everyday working life. Advances in these behavioral sciences are giving us ever better understanding of how our brains work, why we make the choices we do, and what it takes for us to be smart and savvy. But it’s not always been easy to see how to apply these insights in the workplace – until now. In How to Have a Good Day, Webb explains how three big scientific ideas can help us be at our best every day. She shows us exactly how to apply this science to our plans, tasks and conversations, in step-by-step guidance that allows us to: set better priorities; make the hours go further; turn every interaction into a success; strengthen our personal impact; be resilient in the face of setbacks; and sustain our energy over the course of the day. Webb teaches us how to be at our best under pressure, and gives us specific tools to tackle common work challenges – from conflict with colleagues, to dull meetings and packed inboxes. Filled with stories of people who have used Webb’s insights to boost their job satisfaction and performance at work, How to Have a Good Day is the book so many people wanted when they finished NudgeBlink and Thinking Fast and Slow, and were looking for practical ways to apply this fascinating science to their own lives and careers. A remarkable and much needed book, How to Have a Good Day firmly delivers on its promise, showing us all how to have a lifetime of good days.

Published: October 2016

Chissà perché, tendiamo sempre a vedere il lavoro come un male inevitabile, un peso da portarci sulle spalle giorno dopo giorno, mentre contiamo le ore che ci separano dal week-end. Ma se ci fosse un modo per vivere tutto con più piacere e soddisfazione, qualunque sia il nostro impiego? D’accordo, alcune cose non cambieranno mai, ma la buona notizia è che abbiamo molte più possibilità di scelta di quanto crediamo. Basandosi sulle ultime, intriganti scoperte scientifiche sui segreti della mente, Caroline Webb ci aiuta a prendere coscienza dei meccanismi del pensiero e ci insegna a sfruttarli a nostro vantaggio attraverso una serie di tecniche semplici ed efficaci per diventare più efficienti, creativi, costruttivi e resilienti, in ufficio come nella vita privata: un bagaglio prezioso per vedere il lato positivo e lo stimolo giusto in ogni situazione. Per rientrare a casa la sera con la sensazione di aver vissuto davvero una buona giornata.

Published: September 2016
Através de técnicas simples baseadas em pesquisas científicas de economia, psicologia e neurociência, Caroline Webb ajuda você a melhorar seu dia a dia

Em Como ter um dia ideal, Caroline Webb mostra que é possível usar as recentes descobertas da economia comportamental, da psicologia e da neurociência para transformar nossa relação com o cotidiano profissional.

Avanços nessas ciências nos oferecem um melhor entendimento de como nosso cérebro funciona, por que fazemos as escolhas que fazemos e o que é necessário para conseguirmos dar o melhor de nós. Webb explica como aplicar essas descobertas em nossas tarefas e rotinas diárias e, assim, lidar melhor com os desafios do ambiente de trabalho moderno — dos conflitos com colegas a reuniões tediosas e caixas de entrada lotadas — com destreza e facilidade.

Published: September 2016

En este libro, la economista y antigua socia de McKinsey, Caroline Webb, explica a los lectores cómo utilizar los hallazgos recientes de la economía conductual, la psicología y la neurociencia para transformar el enfoque de la vida laboral cotidiana. Webb nos enseña a enfrentarnos a los desafíos de los lugares de trabajo modernos, desde los conflictos con los colegas hasta las reuniones aburridas, pasando por las bandejas de entrada rebosantes, para tener una vida llena de días buenos.

Published: July 2016

맥킨지 출신 초일류 컨설턴트가 만난 글로벌 인재들의 공통점!

『무엇이 평범한 그들을 최고로 만들었을까』는 십수 년간 맥킨지 파트너로 일한 일류 경영 컨설턴트 캐럴라인 웹이 그동안 만나온 글로벌 인재들의 생생한 경험담을 통해 자기 분야에서 특출한 성공을 거둔 사람들이 공통적으로 가지고 있는 특성을 전한다. 캐럴라인 웹은 뇌과학 이론과 행동과학 이론을 빌려 현재까지 시행된 다양한 연구 실험과 거기에서 도출된 신빙성 있는 이론을 토대로 일상생활과 직장에서 일어나는 수많은 변수에 어떻게 대처할지, 성과를 많이 내는 사람이 되기 위해 어떤 습관을 버려야 하며 업무에 방해되는 잠재의식의 작용으로 무엇이 있는지 전한다. 아울러 저자의 조언을 활용해 직무 만족도를 높인 사람들의 실제 사례를 다수 소개한다.

매일 최고의 컨디션을 유지하며 언제 어디서나 막강한 영향력을 발휘하고 무슨 일을 하든 퍼펙트하게 해내는 사람들은 과연 처음부터 유능하고 비범한 면모만을 과시했을까? 캐럴라인 웹의 컨설팅 경험에 따르면 절대 그렇지 않다고 말한다. 그녀가 만난 수많은 전문가들은 현재 내로라하는 기업의 대표직에 있거나 임원급에 있는 유능한 사람들이나, 그들도 과거에는 수많은 시행착오에 부딪히고 고민에 고민을 거듭해온 평범한 직장인들이었다. 책은 시간과 사람 그리고 육체라는, 모두에게 똑같이 주어진 한정된 자원을 어떻게 이용해야 에너지를 최대한 아끼며 최고의 생산성을 발휘할 수 있는가를 매우 상세하고 친절하게 일러준다.

Published: July 2016

Datorită progresului făcut în domeniul ştiinţelor comportamentale, acum putem înţelege mult mai profund modul în care funcţionează creierele noastre, motivele pentru care facem anumite alegeri şi metodele prin care putem deveni cei mai buni. Până de curând însă, nu a fost la fel de uşor să vedem cum funcționează acest mecanism în lumea reală.

În Cum să ai o zi bună, Caroline Webb explică exact cum să aplicăm informaţiile ştiinţifice în sarcinile și ritualurile noastre zilnice. Autoarea decodifică trei mari idei ştiinţifice într-un ghid care ne arată pas cu pas cum să ne stabilim priorităţile, cum să ne folosim timpul la maximum, cum să ne descurcăm cu brio în orice interacţiune, cum să ne comportăm cât mai inteligent, cum să ne întărim impactul personal, cum să fim rezilienţi în faţa obstacolelor şi cum să ne stimulăm energia şi bucuria. În plus, Caroline Webb ne învaţă cum să navigăm cu graţie şi uşurinţă printre provocările tipice locurilor de muncă moderne, de la conflictele cu colegii, până la şedinţele plictisitoare şi căsuţele de email prea pline.

O carte remarcabilă şi foarte necesară, Cum să ai o zi bună ne oferă instrumentele de care avem nevoie pentru a trăi o viaţă plină de zile bune.

În Cum să ai o zi bună, Caroline Webb, economist, consultant în management şi coach executiv, le arată cititorilor cum să folosească descoperirile recente din domeniul economiei comportamentale, al psihologiei şi al neuroştiinţelor pentru a-şi transforma viaţa profesională.

Published: June 2016


◆ 《企業》及《富比士》雜誌2016年度最佳必讀商管書。
◆ 《財富》雜誌最佳資訊類自我成長書籍。
◆ 800-CEO-READ權威商業書評網:「有些書提供承諾,卡洛琳‧韋伯則給了行動與答案。」
◆ 《未來在等待的銷售人才》作者丹尼爾‧品克、《安靜,就是力量》作者蘇珊‧坎恩同聲推薦。
◆ 已翻譯成十七種語言,在六十國出版。
◆ 「接下來五年,書架上有這本自助書就夠了。」──《好人總是自以為是》作者,強納森‧海德特

經濟學家、前麥肯錫合夥人卡洛琳‧韋伯(Caroline Webb)從行為經濟學、心理學、腦神經科學近日的研究出發,協助讀者改造每日的工作生活。



本書舉出真人真事,介紹眾多人士如何靠著作者的建議改善工作滿意度與績效。本書可說是職場版的《推出你的影響力》(Nudge)、《決斷兩秒間》(Blink)與《快思慢想》(Thinking Fast and Slow),協助讀者將引人入勝的科學發現應用在人生與工作上。


Published: May 2016




  • 優先順位をつけて1日の方向性を設定する
  • 生産性を高めて時間をもっと有効に使う


  • あらゆる人間関係を最大限に活用する
  • 聡明で、知的で、創造的な自分になる思考力を
  • 言葉や行動の影響力を最大化する


  • レジリエンスを高めて問題に賢く対処する
  • 熱意と楽しみを高めるエネルギーを
Published: January 2016

In How to Have a Good Day, economist and former McKinsey partner Caroline Webb shows readers how to use recent findings from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience to transform our approach to everyday working life.

Advances in these behavioral sciences are giving us ever better understanding of how our brains work, why we make the choices we do, and what it takes for us to be smart and savvy. But it’s not always been easy to see how to apply these insights in the workplace – until now.

In How to Have a Good Day, Webb explains how three big scientific ideas can help us be at our best every day. She shows us exactly how to apply this science to our plans, tasks and conversations, in step-by-step guidance that allows us to: set better priorities; make the hours go further; turn every interaction into a success; strengthen our personal impact; be resilient in the face of setbacks; and sustain our energy over the course of the day. Webb teaches us how to be at our best under pressure, and gives us specific tools to tackle common work challenges – from conflict with colleagues, to dull meetings and packed inboxes.

Filled with stories of people who have used Webb’s insights to boost their job satisfaction and performance at work, How to Have a Good Day is the book so many people wanted when they finished Nudge, Blink and Thinking Fast and Slow, and were looking for practical ways to apply this fascinating science to their own lives and careers.

A remarkable and much needed book, How to Have a Good Day firmly delivers on its promise, showing us all how to have a lifetime of good days.

Published: January 2016

In How to Have a Good Day, economist and former McKinsey partner Caroline Webb shows readers how to use recent findings from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience to transform our approach to everyday working life.

Advances in these behavioral sciences are giving us ever better understanding of how our brains work, why we make the choices we do, and what it takes for us to be smart and savvy. But it’s not always been easy to see how to apply these insights in the workplace – until now.

In How to Have a Good Day, Webb explains how three big scientific ideas can help us be at our best every day. She shows us exactly how to apply this science to our plans, tasks and conversations, in step-by-step guidance that allows us to: set better priorities; make the hours go further; turn every interaction into a success; strengthen our personal impact; be resilient in the face of setbacks; and sustain our energy over the course of the day. Webb teaches us how to be at our best under pressure, and gives us specific tools to tackle common work challenges – from conflict with colleagues, to dull meetings and packed inboxes.

Filled with stories of people who have used Webb’s insights to boost their job satisfaction and performance at work, How to Have a Good Day is the book so many people wanted when they finished Nudge, Blink and Thinking Fast and Slow, and were looking for practical ways to apply this fascinating science to their own lives and careers.

A remarkable and much needed book, How to Have a Good Day firmly delivers on its promise, showing us all how to have a lifetime of good days.